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Why was mercantilism used in APUSH?

In terms of APUSH, mercantilism was used to allow colonizers like Great Britain and France to gain a favorable balance of trade by using their colonies in the Americas. Why Mercantilism? ⛵ Study Guide: Transatlantic Trade

How did mercantilism affect the US economy?

Also, be sure to look at our Guide to the AP US History Exam. Mercantilism, also known as the Mercantile System, was an economic policy prevalent in Europe from the 16th to the 18th centuries. It intended to increase a nation’s wealth and power through the promotion of exports, the acquisition of precious metals, and the establishment of colonies.

Why was mercantilism important?

Mercantilism was significant because it was the economic system followed by Britain that led to the development of Triangular Trade, and the growth of slavery in the American Colonies. It was also a cause of the American Revolution.

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